Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Bats Are Special, Not Spooky!

Mickey Mouse says: Bats are special, not spooky.

Well, actually, that's what the official Disney Parks blog says, but they're no less right. Bats are one of my favorite creatures, and I can't visit the Animal Kingdom without walking through the Maharajah Jungle Trek to see them. Their bat room has widely set wooden bars that separate guests from the bats, but that's all - between them is thin air. How is this possible?

The bats that call Animal Kingdom home are Malayan Flying Foxes, who happen to be one of the largest bats in the world, with a wingspan of over six feet. You don't have to be afraid of these guys, though - they're vegetarians, and love fruit. Contrary to popular belief about bats, these bats don't use echolocation - they have excellent eyesight. So if you feel like someone's watching you ...

But how is it they can't escape their enclosure? These bats fly by gliding - and if they attempted to glide toward the open spaces between the bars, their wings would hit them. They can't tuck them in and make it through without falling. So if one got extra friendly or spotted your Mickey Bar, you're safe!

This Halloween, the bats at the Maharajah Jungle Trek are getting their yearly check-ups. You might be able to catch one for yourself, as they're performed in full view of the public at the Conservation Station.

In conclusion, bats are awesome - wicked awesome, in fact. Rather than be scared by bats this year, why not build a bat house in your backyard? The bats in North America are insectivores - meaning they eat all the mosquitoes and flies that drive us crazy. You can keep your backyard pest-free, and let's face it - a bat house is WAY cooler than a bird house, and a great way to show up your neighbors.

So the next time you're walking through Asia, don't skip the bat room ... stop in and say hi for me. Happy Halloween!

Check out the full article here.

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