Monday, October 26, 2009

It's Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow ...

The Disney and More blog has posted a wonderful tribute to the classic Carousel of Progress attraction, which premiered at the 1964 New York World's Fair and is still running in Tomorrowland today. Of course, Walt Disney worked on developing this show personally, and it focuses on something he loved dearly: the American family.

Unfortunately, the last time I saw this attraction (the only time I can remember well), it broke down three quarters of the way in, so I never saw the last scene featuring technology of the present day. Apparently, this scene has been updated no less than five times to keep it current with the times. I still remember, however, being pleasantly surprised at how clever the show was in its special effects despite its age. Okay, so they really weren't all that impressive compared to what we can do now ... but they were clever none the less, and integrated well into the show. The mechanics controlling the revolving auditorium, on the other hand ...

Oh, well ... I guess there's always next year.

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