Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Bittersweet Introduction of Monorail Teal

Disney has recently begun test runs of the new Monorail Teal, which was built by combining the undamaged portions of Monorails Pink and Purple into a single new train. The colors pink and purple will be retired from the monorail fleet out of respect for the young cast member who died in the fatal accident earlier this year, and his family. The new Teal train will reportedly be the first to have an updated touch screen pilot control system that Disney has been testing in pursuit of better safety.

While I agree full-heartedly with the decision to retire pink and purple out of respect for the tragedy, it will still haunt my mind every time I see - or ride - Monorail Teal.

Here is a video of the testing. The train has not been repainted yet, and the old colors have been covered up with white stripes:

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