Tuesday, September 29, 2009

No More Johnny?

Several blogs (as well as various news agencies) are reporting that Johnny Depp may not continue with the Pirates franchise after the fourth movie. Apparently, he is no longer excited about playing the character of Captain Jack Sparrow following the firing of Disney executive Dick Cook, with whom he had a very positive working relationship. With that relationship of trust now gone, he may not wish to make the fifth and sixth expected films.

Time will tell if this is actually the case, since no formal announcement has been made. The success of the fourth movie will likely have a strong impact on how the fifth and sixth projects are greenlighted. No doubt Disney is offering him a lot - a lot - of money in exchange for the role, but Johnny Depp has never seemed the type of actor to do a film just for the paycheck.

The big question is, what would happen if he did drop out? Replacing him with a new actor would be suicide. Johnny Depp all but made the franchise, and having anyone else but him perform the role of Jack Sparrow would be sure to alienate audiences. The best course of action would probably be to just focus on the stories of the other characters, leaving Jack out entirely. Although this would mean that the future films would be far less successful without Johnny Depp in the mix, they would probably be more successful than films with a replacement Captain Jack.

Come on, Johnny. Think of the fans ...

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