Saturday, September 26, 2009

Buy-4-Get-7 ... It's Back!

No big surprise here, considering the economy and Disney's need to tempt people into visiting the parks ...

The blog is reporting that Disney's Buy-4-Get-7 nights deal is returning. The value resorts will be offering a similar buy-5-get-2 free deal. Travel dates will likely be from October 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010, and you would need to book by December 20, 2009 (although this date could be extended). In addition, you have to purchase a Magic Your Way ticket for each night of your stay.

It's just a rumor until it's formally announced ... but it's a pretty reliable one. What do you think of this deal? It seems pretty good to me - something like 40% your resort stay - but the kicker is that, by being obligated to purchase a ticket for each day, you couldn't hop over to Universal or Seaworld for a day. Unless you get the "no expiration" option and save those tickets for next time ... tricky, Disney, tricky.

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