Monday, February 15, 2010

Fantasyland Expansion Walk-Through

Hello reader(s)! I'm not sure how many of you there are out there, but someone left a really nice comment asking me to update, and how can I ignore that? I've been insanely busy with school (I'm taking 18 credits this semester) and with life in general, so I doubt I'll be able to update much. Your daily dose of Disney magic might be more like your weekly ... biweekly ... dose. But I'll definitely try to be a little more on top of it.

So, lately ... no terribly huge announcements to report in the world of Florida theme parks. It seems like now all we have to do is wait, wait, wait until major new expansions open (the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, the Fantasyland expansion in WDW, the remodeling at DCA). Part of what makes that wait easier, though, is losing yourself in imagining what all that wonderful new-ness will be like once it's finished.

Shawn over at the awesome blog DisneyShawn recently posted a kind of "guide" to the Fantasyland expansion, putting it all in perspective with storyline and concept drawings. I would highly suggest you check it out here.

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